
Soil sampling and testing provides an estimate of the capacity of the soil to supply adequate nutrients to meet the needs of growing crops. The purpose of soil testing in high-yield farming is to determine the relative ability of a soil to supply crop nutrients during a particular growing season, to determine lime needs, and for diagnosing problems such as excessive salinity or alkalinity. Soil testing is also used to guide nutrient management decisions related to manure and sludge application with the objective of maximizing economic/agronomic benefits while minimizing the potential for negative impacts on water quality.

At Zimlabs we offer various packages for soil testing and also offer testing services for stockfeeds, fertilizers, manure etc. The following are some of the tests done at Zimlabs in the Agriculture Laboratory:


  • Standard soil test for pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3 , P, TSS
  • Hortculture test (Full test) for pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, NO3 , P, TSS, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe
  • Irrigation and stock water analysis for Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, Cu, Fe, pH,E coli, Coliform and etc
  • Mechanical test to check soil structure
  • Plant tissue analysis for N, P, K, Ca, Cu, Zn etc
  • Stockfeeds analysis
  • Fertilizer, compost and manure analysis
  • Microbiological Evaluation of horticulture produce for export certification
  • Honey testing
  • Soil sampling